Thursday 5 May 2011

The Curse Which Afflicts Us All....

It's been a long day.

I'm supposed to be in Nelson right now but at midday, having flown from Wellington this morning at ten o'clock, I landed in... Wellington. What was supposed to be a twenty minute trip turned into a two-hour debacle with two aborted attempts at landing and a guy directly behind me who thought the whole plane would appreciate his humour. Personally, I didn't notice any actual humour at all, but I deduced from the volume of his raucous laughter that he, at least, was attuned to his own subtle finesse...

Anyway, I'm home again and Nelson's loss is this blog's gain. I'll soon be heading to my recently decontaminated desk to continue constructing and photographing the Wild West building for my walkthrough. Should be able to put it all up on the blog much sooner than I expected...

And then what? Well, that brings me to the age old affliction we all share. I have a long list of ideas, projects and plans, ranging from things I have started but not finished, things I have been thinking about, things I want to order, paint and glue onto bases, and fresh ideas that make me want to shove all the other stuff out of the way.

Why do we do this to ourselves? It seems that wargamers are utterly unable to just focus on one project at a time, see it though to completion and then start on the next!

ACW? VSF? Crocodiles? Pirates? Sci-fi city? Tanks? WWII? Medieval walled town? The list goes on and on...

Surely someone out there understands? Sigh...


  1. You can combine (at least for a time) VSF with Pirates: thus hearteningly (?) two projects progress at once... While dispersion is depressing, one feels nothing really advances.

  2. You're not going to let up on this, are you? I was actually thinking of 15mm scale napoleonic walkers, but steam pirates is good too. Rackhams used to do some lovely pirate types, and I believe Hordes do - any other suggestions for crew?

  3. Hmmm, let's see? I think I've managed to trim my "must do" periods to under 20 . . . well, at least fairly close to 20 anyway.

    Of course I've avoided looking at any glossy magazines for a bit, so that might change.

    -- Jeff

  4. Thanks, Jeff. Nice to know I'm not suffering alone!

  5. "Any other suggestions for crew?"

    Well, Pirettes of course! A wide choice in 25-30mm (women being generally more petite than men, 25mm feminines are compatible with 30mm males -better than in the opposite direction, anyway, imho).

  6. Oh, but of course! I already have the Black Scorpion Pirate lasses somewhere...

  7. Howdies Colonel

    I'se been a meaning to track yer site and looks like I shoulda got meself 'ere soona.

    Truly bootiful modelling and a site of exceeding excellence.

    We must have a chat one day about that thar Barber & Undertaker building one day. In particular the copyrighted material displayed there upon. Perhaps pistols down the main street will sort any outstandin' issues.

    I'se obviously need to keep me eye on this 'ere site. Be seeing yer round pardner.

    Yer most obedient servant
    von Peter himself

  8. Back again Colonel

    Damn all - I'm getting too old an' loosin' ma mind!!

    Firstly, rhymes with thirsty - ye ha, would yous be a mindin' if I stole a copy of the picture of the Barber & Undertaker?

    Secondly, darn - don't rhyme with drinkin', I'll be adding a link to this 'ere establishment from me own slice of 'net real estate on account of it being so darn fine.

    Now where did that home brew whiskey get to? Gotta do some excavatin' and the ground's cooked hard by that midday sun. I'se be needin' some real good explosive!!!

    Yer most obedient servant
    von Peter himself

  9. Von Peter Yourself!

    What an honour,Sir! Glad you like your new Barbering and Burying franchise. I wonder how R Hermans feels about his Guns and Ammunition store. I know G Simmonds and Son are happy with the General Store (probably because Madame L'Amour is just across the yard!)

    Of course you may steal a picture. I wouldn't want to end up in a shoddy pine box when the end comes (or receive somewhat too close a shave)! Pistols down Main Street? If I recall correctly, the last time we met it was a shotgun in the back!

    We'll meet again, real soon...

  10. Thanks Colonel (btw, you wouldn't happen to have a finger lickin' fried chook recipe would yah?).

    An' the back shootin' wasn't me - it was me low fightin', good fer nuthin' youngster who gets all his fightin' genes from his Ma. The very same youth that unitaterally (looked it up in the olde dictionary) decided that it would be much more fun if we spent time in a hospital raqther than fightin' in Leadwood. Did I mention that he gets his yellow belly fightin' genes from his muthers side?!

    Yer most obedient servant
    von Peter himself

  11. Well then, von Peter Yourself, when the young backshootin' good fer nothin' tenderfoot's belly is over its yellowness, bring him along to leadwood so's I kin string him up on the gallows and deep fry his nibblets!

    Or we can roll some dice. Your choice.

  12. Your Colonelness is too kind with 'is fancy invites which we'd be glad to take up on one of these days.

    Oh ... nearly forgot. I've examined my recent life and to mine surprise have discovered that I've grown a tad tired with dice rolling. See you for an evening of deep fried nibblets to the Colonels finger licking recipe.

    Yer most obedient servant
    von Peter himself

  13. Damn it, Man! Don't you know that when a man's tired of dice rolling, he's tired of life?!

    Anyway, I'm on a diet.

  14. So many periods, so little time... ;-)
    A medieval walled city you say? I have recently completed a 28mm scale castle. Plently of thatched roofed building to go with it too, if you have something in mind?
    Link here:
    I havent got it up properly on my blog yet.

    Oh and better get those pirates painted, the sea awaits them!

  15. I'm almost out of breath just keeping up with my model-making train of thought! It's been totally derailed and it's crashing out of control into an abyss of creative mayhem... Or something like that...
